IFish Database

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I-Fish Partners

Below is a list of partners who support and contribute to the I-Fish database system. Please click on the logo to be redirected to the avalable website.


I-Fish Partners

Wageningen supports I-Fish in advising on data collection activities, analysis and reporting.

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I-Fish Partners


I-Fish Partners

Asosiasi Perikanan Pole and Line dan Hand Line Indonesia (AP2HI) was established after a need for a shared voice for Indonesia’s pole-and-line and hand-line industry was identified at the International Coastal Tuna Business Forum in 2012. As the one of the largest global suppliers of tuna, Indonesia’s pole-and-line and hand-line industry supports many coastal communities and livelihoods. AP2HI’s vision is of sustainable fisheries and viable businesses. AP2HI’s members include suppliers, fishers and canners, representing the entire supply chain in Indonesia. In addition to promoting these fisheries, AP2HI is active in innovating the industry to increase efficiency and align to international market requirements. Furthermore, they work to promote fair, transparent, sustainable use of Indonesia’s resources; in doing so, they would gain further support for the fishery. AP2HI was officially inaugurated at the 3rd International Coastal Tuna Business Forum, held in Jakarta in Spring 2014. I-Fish data collection is active for pole and line fisheries in AP2HI member sites.


I-Fish Partners

PT. Harta Samudra is a seafood processor company based in Ambon, Mollucas Indonesia. President Rob Tjoanda has been extremely supportive of I-Fish data collection activities in the region and or other fisheries projects such as traceability and Fair Trade.

I-Fish Partners

PT Sinar Pure Foods International is a seafood processor company based in Bitung, Northern Sulawesi. PT Sinar Pure Foods supports data collection and sustainability activities in Northern Sulawesi.

I-Fish Partners

UD Baura is a processing company based in East Lombok. UD Baura supports data collection and sustainability activities in East Lombok.

I-Fish Partners

CV Versace is a processing company based in East Lombok. CV Versace supports data collection and sustainability activities in East Lombok.

I-Fish Partners

PT BMB is a fish processing company based in Bitung, North Sulawesi. PT BMB supports data collection and sustainability activities in North Sulawesi.

I-Fish Partners

PT ASTB is a fish processing company based in Ambon, Indonesia. PT ASTB supports data collection and sustainability activities in Maluku.

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I-Fish Partners



I-Fish Partners

The Nature Conservancy was involved in the establishment of I-Fish and supports the tuna fisheries Data Management Committees, I-Fish development and data analysis.

I-Fish Partners

MDPI foundation was founded in July 2013 as an independent foundation focused on achieving responsible and sustainable fisheries activities and attemping to provide ongoing care for the conservation of fisheries resources and ecosystems of Indonesia and the region. These attempts towards sustainability are specifically focused on small scale, artisan fisheries. MDPI additionally focuses on supporting the development of the fishing communities and supply chains which are related to these fisheries. through programs which aim to support economic improvements and social stability for the people.

I-Fish Partners

After a decade of pushing the frontier of ocean planning decision support tools as Ecotrust's non-profit, Marine Consulting Initiative, in August 2013 Point 97 spun off as a for-purpose tech company and reorganized our work towards greater scale and impact. With successes and lessons learned over the past 3 years, the latest chapter of Point 97 is rebooting to bring global solutions and technology that facilitates the collection of trusted and more reliable data for fisheries management, seafood trade accountability, profitability, and traceability at sea, at the docks, and in the markets. Currently Point97 is working to develop an app for data collection activities. The app, called Dock, is hoped to replace the paper-based system of data collection, making the process more efficient.

I-Fish Partners


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I-Fish Partners

Conservation International is involved in sustainable fisheries in West Papua, with I-Fish data collection activities ongoing for mud crab in the Kaimana regency.


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